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Lupin Flakes 15kg Service Pack

Lupin Flakes 3x5kg Service Pack – Vegan Flakes

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Lupin Flakes 5kg Service Pack

Lupin Flour 16kg Bag


Lupin Australia

Good for you & the Earth

As a family-grown Aussie company, we’re passionate about making seriously good, nutritious food that tastes great, is easy to use and delivers amazing benefits to everyone in our food chain. All possible with the superfood that is Aussie Sweet Lupins.

Our Lupin Flakes are good for you, good for the earth and good for the Aussie growers that we support.

Lupin Legume Icon

The Lupin Co

Changing the world one flake at a time

We’re all about honest nutrition that makes a big difference.

The Lupin Co way is all about giving back to communities, healthy bodies and tantilising tastebuds.

We never compromise on quality or integrity and work closely with our local growers to make the best Lupin Flakes around!

Lupin Beans

An Aussie Legend begins

Did you know Lupins have actually been around for thousands of years! Consumed throughout the Mediterranean region and the Andean mountains, lupins were eaten by the early Egyptian and pre-Incan people and were known to contribute to the fertility of soils.

During the 1960’s a very clever man named Dr John Gladstone from University of Western Australia (UWA), developed one of the first commercial lupin varieties especially for the Australian environment.

This breakthrough changed the agricultural landscape in Western Australia by allowing infertile sandy soils to be farmed in a brand new sustainable way. Lupins act as a natural fertiliser, introducing nitrogen into the soil, therefore reducing the need for chemical fertilisers.

This is why the lupins are one of Australia’s most important crops. Western Australia now grows 85% of the entire world’s entire sweet lupin supply, making them a truly iconic Aussie legume!

Lupe Map Logo
The Lupin Co Australia - Dr Joanna McMillan is a Lover of Lupins for Health
Lupin Plantation Australia
Lupin Family Farm
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One bright idea can change the world

We believe everyone deserves a little TLC. We love working with community initiatives like 5,000 Meals, a project that involves preparing and providing nourishing meals for those in need.

All produce is donated and the program provides valuable vocational education opportunities for students. 5,000 Meals works with Foodbank WA, Food Rescue, Oz Harvest, local producers, local chefs and WA High Schools, to foster a cycle of giving..


Mark Jeffery
Mark Jeffery

These lupin flakes are a revelation. Crumb anything in them. The crust is so crunchy and nice. My kids love the flakes more than breadcrumbs. More people need to learn about lupin! Especially for people who have gluten intolerances or are on keto diets.

2 months ago
Mark Jeffery
Mark Jeffery

This flour is so versatile. I’m using it for everything now. I often mix with buckwheat flour too and for flouring things to throw in the pan or air fryer, the crust is amazing. I was fortunate enough to get quite a few taste tests when I did some work with CBH many years ago. Since then the flour and flakes have been a staple in my household!

2 months ago
Michael Fischer
Michael Fischer
Verified ownerVerified owner

Excellent quality product and a fabulous way to add a highly nutritious source of protein. It makes for a delicious breakfast muesli, highly recommended.

7 months ago
rosalie gillespie
rosalie gillespie
Verified ownerVerified owner

I use coconut/almond milk with this cereal with my rolled oats. My husband is a Type 2 and he puts this on rolled oats. great cereal.

7 months ago